Accessibility & special requests

If you have specific needs that we can assist with, we're here to help

/ Support Onsite At The Show

We want to ensure every delegate has the best possible experience at Money20/20. If you have specific needs or access requirements that we can assist with, you can update your preferences directly on your booking online or please let us know and we’d be happy to help.

/ Accessibility At The Venue

The QSNCC is committed to ensuring that our events are accessible to everyone, including those with diverse abilities. The venue facilities are designed to accommodate attendees with reduced mobility, providing a welcoming and inclusive experience for all including accessible routes, parking, and toilets located across the venue. Our Money20/20 stages are also accessible for wheelchair users and delegates with reduced mobility.

/ Accessible Accommodation

Although not all properties in Bangkok are fully accessible there are a vast amount of accommodation options available that are. Please contact the Accommodation Team for further information.