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Dr Yew Choong Chew

Dr Yew Choong Chew

Dr Yew Choong Chew

Chief Data Officer

AmBank Group

Speaking at

Wednesday 23 April, 11:00 - 11:30

Trust in Action: Leveraging Data Innovation for Inclusive Digital Banking


I attained the Master's degree and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Information Science and Control Engineering from Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan. I love generating ideas, building practically useful products and knowledge sharing. I am an enthusiast of new technologies, especially those related to information retrieval, machine learning, and data science.

I have more than 20 years of working experience in software development, large-scale transformations, data analytics and data management, across multiple industry segments – Banking, Telecommunications, Software Services, Education, Research & Development, Publication, Advertisement, Market Expansion Services.

I have been technical leader of a wide range of high-impact projects, resulting in 4 patents, with another 3 pending. I am a co-founder of DIBots IT Solutions Sdn. Bhd., co-founder of Malaysian National Computer Confederation AI Special Interest Group (MNCC-AI SIG) and is appointed as external supervisor for few local universities.