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Pipit Aneaknithi

Pipit Aneaknithi

Pipit Aneaknithi



Speaking at

Tuesday 22 April, 10:50 - 11:30

Legacy Banks in the New Economy: Innovation, Agility, and Customer-Centric Transformation


Pipit Aneaknithi led the World Business Division where he spearheaded the bank’s regional expansion by establishing new banks in China, Lao PDR, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Indonesia. As an essential part of his achievement, he successfully laid a solid foundation for KASIKORNBANK to physically and virtually become a regional bank in AEC+3 countries. Currently, he is in the forefront of the re-formation of bank-wide digitalization and the new frontier of banking experiences by prompting organizational and talent readiness. Ultimately, he is committed to gearing up the bank’s capacity to harness long-term growth by staying ahead of present-days digital and low-carbon economy.