Prapapas Kulpawaropas
Prapapas Kulpawaropas
Chief Advisor
The Office of Insurance Commission, Thailand
Ms. Kulpawaropas is holding the position of Chief Advisor, responsible for overseeing the Center of InsurTech, Thailand (CIT), an innovation unit under the Office of the Insurance Commission to promote and support the application of technology in the insurance business. This includes developing knowledge and capabilities in technology and enhancing the digital infrastructure. Additionally, she oversees the Advanced Insurance Institute, a research and training academy dedicated to developing insurance knowledge for the personnel of the insurance business.
Previously, with over 19 years of supervisory practice, she was responsible for various fields such as formulating the insurance development plan, risk management frameworks, as well as regulations and guidelines for insurance business.
She holds a master’s degree in Economics from the University of British Columbia, Canada (With Thai Government Scholarship) and a master’s degree in International Economics and Finance and a bachelor’s degree in Monetary and International Economics from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.