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Wultra offers modern authentication for financial apps. Deployed in a snap. We serve as a guardian of digital finance by delivering  easy-to-deploy authentication to help banks and fintech  companies easily secure their digital applications. Our open-source, developer-friendly solutions take weeks to deploy rather than months. Our  passwordless authentication  was designed with your clients in mind. It?s intuitive, easy to use, and will genuinely  improve your clients' experience. We are  100% compliant  with PSD2 legislation, PSD 3 ready, and meet both Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) and dynamic linking requirements. Our solution features straightforward and user-friendly digital onboarding, customer authentication with the use of biometrics or PIN code, comprehensive mobile security, persistent malware protection, and threat intelligence with a visual analytics dashboard.   We know banking security (and how to protect against specific threats) inside out. We deliver secure, compliant, and tested tools known and loved by a wide spectrum of financial service providers, from leading banks to fintech startups.

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