How Brankas used Money20/20 to generate more than $1M in opportunities

Brankas' Success Story
Money20/20 Asia gathers fintech leaders from Asia and beyond looking to do business.
Discover how Brankas used their sponsorship and speaking slots to elevate their brand and build trust. And how you could too!
About Brankas
Founded in 2016, Brankas is a leading Open Finance technology provider dedicated to improving accessibility for the market, and allowing technology companies to build better financial experiences in their own products.
As a company working in the Open Finance space, a concept still relatively new to the industry, Brankas wanted to engage with their target audience (Financial institutions and banks operating in Asia) in person, to showcase their products and services, and in the process, build brand trust.
In-person events were a core element of Brankas’ annual strategy. Having joined Money20/20 Asia 2019 in Singapore, and coming back onboard for the inaugural Bangkok edition as a sponsor, the conversations and connections made at Money20/20 had proven to contribute to fueling their pipeline with larger-scale deals.
Money20/20 gave us the opportunity to connect with major banks and partners that are unlocking new markets for us to expand into.
Sarah Huang
Global Head of Partnerships & BD — APAC, Brankas
Right place, right people, right space
After securing a spot on the agenda through Money20/20 Asia's Call for Content, Brankas knew it would be essential to have a space on the show floor that ensured an area that gave them visibility with foot traffic and a dedicated space to continue the conversation from the stage.
With this in mind, Brankas made a strategic decision to sponsor Money20/20 Asia in collaboration with their partner Appsynth. This partnership allowed them to highlight the strength of their collaborations, showcase the innovative work they’ve achieved together, and further elevate their individual and collective brand presence.
Brankas' initial experience with Money20/20 as delegates and a Startup Sponsor, imprinted that it was a prominent show globally that could help them achieve their goals.

The results?
Brankas’ team developed a focused, two-month pre-event outreach and networking strategy to ensure they were engaging with the right delegates ahead of the show.
And it worked. Brankas supercharged their pipeline with 185 prospects, translating into $1 million in opportunities. Two major banks even sought them out on the show floor, which opened the door to follow-up meetings with senior executives and promising collaborations.