The power of connections: How Prove harnessed Money20/20 to secure a pivotal partnership

Prove's success story
Looking to get your brand in front of the right people? They're at Money20/20 Europe. But what's the best way to show up? We'll let Prove spill the beans.
Discover how Money20/20 acted as a catalyst for Prove's market expansion by helping them propel their pipeline, amplify brand awareness, and secure a pivotal partnership.

The challenges faced?
Founded in 2008, Prove offers a digital identity verification and authentication platform with a stellar reputation validated by 1,000+ top-tier enterprises, including an impressive 90% of the leading US banks.
Despite marked progress, especially with prominent clientele and strategic alliances, Prove wanted to increase its presence in the UK and extend its footprint across Europe.
Their challenges lay in bolstering brand recognition and ensuring European businesses distinguished Prove's cutting-edge solutions amidst a competitive landscape.

The answer: going global with Money20/20
Following a successful partnership with Money20/20 USA, Prove strategically positioned itself as a featured exhibitor at Money20/20 Europe, knowing it would be key to have a visible presence on the show floor to support their growth strategy in the European market.
Harnessing the power of Money20/20 Connect to generate pre-scheduled meetings, the team combined this strategic outreach pre-event with a captivating booth design to attract traffic from the show floor during the show.
Prove combined their efforts on the show floor with their submission to have their experts join the Money20/20 team to deliver an engaging and informative speaking session.

The results?
Eclipsing expectations, Prove orchestrated over 100 high-impact meetings during the event's dynamic three-day span. This effort propelled the creation of more than 10 promising opportunities in the pipeline, culminating in a pivotal partnership solidified.
Prove's spotlight panels, "Smooth Operators: Alternative Digital and 'Phygital' Customer Experience" and "Wirecard's Fall: The Inside Story with Dan McCrum," commanded attention and media coverage, earning them acclaim as a standout sessions and greatly amplifying Prove's presence among the event's influential attendees.