The Mastercard Lunch
Tuesday 23 April
You're invited to the Mastercard lunch at Money20/20 Asia
Mastercard is hosting a private executive lunch during Money20/20 Asia for the who is who in Banking and you are invited!
During this session, Mastercard experts will debunk AI myth from reality and dive into the many facets of AI applications.
You can expect to learn how banks and Fintechs globally are tapping into the power of AI to drive profitability, manage risk and get closer to their customers.
- Donovan Yong, Principal – Advisors, Mastercard
- Benoit Bouvard, Vice President – Advisors, Mastercard
- Joseph McGuire, Principal – Innovation Consulting, Mastercard
When: Tuesday 23rd April, 12.15pm - 2.00pm
Where: Meeting Room 106, Queen Sirikit National Convention Centre
Spaces are extremely limited, please RSVP to secure your seat alongside leaders in Banking.